CHAP. 187.
A supplement to an act of Assembly, passed the ninth
day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-six,
chapter forty-one, entitled, an act to authorise and
empower the Surveyor of Frederick county to cause
an alphabetical record entry to be made of all the ori-
ginal Land Certificates in said County, in the Sur-
veyor's Office.
Passed Mar. 20,
WHEREAS, Horatio G. O'Neale, the late surveyor
of said county, in conformity to said act, and in com-
pliance with a resolution passed by the levy court of
said county, did commence a regular index and record
of the said original land certificates belonging to the
said county; and whereas, but only a part of said cer-
tificates has been thus recorded and indexed in virtue
of the order of paid levy court, and as it is important
and at all times desirable to facilitate public business,
and at the same time to protect and preserve said ori-
ginal land data to the county, that the balance of said
land certificates should in like manner be recorded and
indexed: — Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said late surveyor shall be, and
he is hereby authorised to regularly record and index
the balance of said original land certificates in a good
and sufficient bound book or books, to be furnish-
ed by and for the use of said county, and for which
Record directed.
service and labor he, the said O'Neale, shall receive
the same compensation as was allowed him by the said
levy court for that part of said work already com-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said O'Neale
shall have the right and be privileged, from time to
time to obtain and remove such parcels or packages of
said original land certificates from the present place of
deposite to his own office, and when the same shall
have been recorded and indexed, they shall be return-
ed to the place of their former depository; and further,
it shall be the duty of said levy court, from time to
Removal autho-
time, to pass an order covering the amount of the ex-
penses due for said recording and indexing the same, to
be paid in like manner as all other county charges are.
Payment direct-