CHAP. 178.
to law, it shall be the duty of the orphans' court on
being notified thereof, by the trustees of such district or
districts, to distribute to such trustrees a fair propor-
tion of the school funds, belonging or assignable to
said county.
Passed Mar. 19,
An act to alter and change the Divisional Line between
the First and Third Election Districts in Carroll
WHEREAS, it would add greatly to the convenience
of certain voters in the first and third district in Car-
roll county, if the line of the same were changed: —
Lines establish-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in lieu of the lines established by the
commissioners between the first and third election dis-
tricts, the following shall be, and are hereby establish-
ed: beginning at the intersection of Grove's and
Manse's mill roads; thence along said road to Manse's
mill, leaving Jacob Manse in the third district; thence
along said road to where it crosses Piney creek, at
Peters' tavern; thence up said creek to the Pennsylva-
nia line, and with said line to where it intersects the
line of the third district.
Place to vote.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all persons who may
be included within the proposed new lines, shall be,
and are hereby authorised to vote at the place of hold-
ing the polls in the third district at all future elections.
Passed Mar. 19,
An act to confirm and make valid a Deed of Conveyance
from Daniel Renner to Susannah Jenkins.
Deed specified.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deed executed on the sixteenth day of Decem-
ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun-
dred and twenty-eight, in Georgetown, and District
of Columbia, by Daniel Renner, conveying to Susan-
nah Jenkins, of Georgetown, District of Colombia,