object for which said corporation is created; provided
the quantity of land owned by said corporation shall
not exceed one hundred acres; with authority to the
said corporation to receive gifts or bequests for the
purpose of ornamenting or improving said cemetery,
and to hold such personal property as may be requisite
to carry out the object of this act.
CHAP. 164.
100 acres.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the officers of the
said corporation shall be conducted by a president and
five managers, who shall be elected by a majority of
the votes of the proprietors, on the first Monday in
January in each and every year, and in case no elec-
tion shall be held at the time aforesaid, the officers last
elected shall continue in office until an election shall
be held; the said president and managers to fill all va-
cancies in their own body, and shall have power to lay
out and ornament the grounds, to remove and alter the
old buildings and erect new ones, to lay out and sell
or dispose of burial lots, to appoint all necessary offi-
cers and agents and fix their several duties and com-
Their powers.
pensation, and to make such bye-laws, ruins and re-
gulations as they may deem proper for conducting the
affairs of the corporation, for the government of lot-
holders and visitors to the cemetery, and for the trans-
Bye laws.
fer of stock and the evidence thereof; and said presi-
dent and managers shall have power to call instal-
ments from time to time on the capital stock of said
corporation, to meet the exigencies of said corporation;
in all elections held under this act. each proprietor
shall be entitled to one vote for every full share, and to
one vote for every two half shares held by him or her.
Votes rated.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said corporation shall be represented by one hundred
full shares of one thousand dollars each, and two hun-
dred half shares of five hundred dollars each, shall be
divided among the purchasers of said estate according
to their interests therein, and shall be transferable in
such mode as the bye-laws may direct.
SEC. 11. And. be it enacted, That the president and
managers are authorised to dispose of such part of
Green Mount estate as may not be wanted for the pur-
pose of a cemetery, either by selling the same or by
distributing it by lot or otherwise, among those who,
May dispose of
by lot.