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children, in the county of Frederick, between the ages
of five and eighteen years, inclusive, shall be entitled to
instruction in primary schools and to all the advan-
tages contemplated by the original act, and the several
supplements thereto, any thing therein contained to
the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Mar. 15,
An act to Incorporate the Proprietors of the Green Mount
WHEREAS, several citizens of Baltimore, in this
State, hereinafter named, have associated for the pur-
pose of establishing a cemetery at Green Mount, the
seat of the late Robert Oliver, situated in the norther-
most portion of said city, containing about ninety-six
acres of land; and whereas, they have purchased the
said estate for the purpose of appropriating about
sixty contiguous acres of the same to the purposes ex-
clusively of a public cemetery: and whereas, it seems
reasonable and necessary to provide for the permanence
of the said establishment so that those who bury there,
may be assured of perpetual protection to the remains
of relatives and friends, and for the decent preserva-
tion of the grounds.
Persons incor-
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William Gwynn, Robert Morgan
Gibbs, Fielding Lucas, junior, John S. Skinner, John
S. Lafitte, Samuel D. Walker and John H. B. Latrobe,
and their successors, be, and they are hereby created a
body politic and corporate, by the name and title of
the Proprietors of the Green Mount Cemetery, and by
that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be
able and liable to sue and be sued, in any court of law
or equity, and may have and use a common seal, and
the same at their pleasure to alter or renew, and shall
have power to purchase, have, hold and enjoy to them
and their successors, the Green Mount estate aforesaid,
or such other real estate as they may select for the pur-
pose of establishing, maintaining and improving a pub-
lic cemetery, which is hereby declared to be the only