registers shall bet or be in any manner interested in
any bet or bets, on any election, or shall be stake hol-
der of any bet or bets, or shall at any time exhibit
CHAP. 150.
their books, except to each other, or give a copy
thereof to any person or persons whatever, except the
judges of election as hereinbefore provided, the said
Or exhibiting
registers shall on conviction thereof, before Baltimore
City Court, be fined the sum of one hundred dollars,
and imprisoned six months.
Penalty $100,
and imprison-
ed 6 months.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That at the next election
the voters so registered shall declare upon their bal-
lots for or against the registry law, and if it is found
upon counting the same, that a majority of said bal-
lots were against the said law, then, and in that case,
the said law shall in future be null and void.
Question sub-
An act to Incorporate the Manchester Military Band of
Passed Mar. 14,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Jacob Frankfurter, Joshua F. Kopp,
Daniel Frankforter, W. W. Garmer, Joseph Gonter,
George Messamore, Amos Gaumer, Jarret W. Garner,
Jacob W. Boring, Elias Buckingham, William Bixler,
and Jacob Houck, together with such other persons as
may become associated with them, and their successors,
be, and they are hereby incorporated and made a body
Persons incor-
politic and corporate, for the purposes of extending the
knowledge and improving the style of performance of
Martial Music, by the style of the Manchester Military
Band of Music, and by that name they may sue and be
sued, have a common seal, and the same at pleasure
alter, and be entitled to use the powers and privileges
incident to said corporation.
Objects prescri-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporator
shall at their first or some subsequent meeting, choose
a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other
officers as they may deem necessary or convenient for
the government and regulation of said corporation and
Choosing offi-
its property; they shall have power to make standing
rules or bye laws, for prescribing the terms of office
By Laws.