or judgment, or venditioni exponas, issued by either of
the district courts, for the recovery of a sum exceeding
fifty dollars may be in the sheriff, any coronor or consta-
ble of said county, and not returned, it shall be the duty of
said sheriff, coronor or constable, as the case may be, to
return all such writs as are returnable to the first, second,
third, fourth and seventh election district courts, to the
next succeeding term of Anne Arundel county court; and
all such writs as are returnable to the fifth and sixth elec-
tion district courts, to the next succeeding term of the
CHAP. 80.
court of Howard District of Anne Arundel county, and the
clerks of said courts shall docket the same, and such pro-
ceedings shall be had thereon, as if the said process had
the court of Howard District of Anne Arundel county.
To docket.
An act relating to the compensation payable by officers to
the Sheriff of Queen Anne's County for the collection of
Officers Fees.
Passed Feb. 10.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and
may be lawful for the sheriff of Queen Anne's county to
charge and receive from all officers who may choose to
require of the sheriff to collect for them, any officers fees, a
commission of twelve and an half per cent on the amount
of fees that may be so collected, instead of the commis-
sion heretofore allowed in such cases.
Sheriff to re-
ceive 12 ½ cts.
commission for
collection of of-
ficers fees.
An act to authorise the Commissioners of Carroll County
to borrow money for the erection of a Poor House for said
County and for other purposes.
Passed Feb. 24,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners of lax of Carroll coun-
ty, be and they are hereby authorised to borrow on the
credit of said county any amount of money not exceeding
five thousand dollars, to be applied to the purchase of a
authorised to
borrow money.