newspapers of said county this act for three successive
CHAP. 78.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all cases which may
be depending in the magistrates' courts in said county on
the first day of May, eighteen hundred and forty, which
would be within the jurisdiction of single magistrates un-
der this act, shall be transferred to some justice of the
peace in the district which said case may be depending,
to be by him heard and determined; and all cases depend-
ing as aforesaid, which would not be within the jurisdic-
tion of single justices of the peace, shall be transferred
to the county court of said county, there to be heard and
Cases to be
transferred, &c.
An act to abolish Magistrates' Courts in Anne Arundel
County, and Howard District of Anne Arundel County.
Passed Mar 3,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the act, passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter two hundred and
one, entitled an act to establish magistrates' courts in the
several counties of this State, and to prescribe their juris-
diction, and the several supplements thereto, be and the
same are hereby repealed, so far as relates to Anne Arun-
del county and Howard District of Anne Arundel county,
and that the magistrate courts in said county and district be
and the same are abolished.
Repealed as re-
lates to A. A.
co. and H. Dis.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where suit
has been instituted in said courts for the recovery of a sum
not exceeding fifty dollars, if no judgment has been re-
covered thereon, it shall be the duty of the respective chief
judges of said courts to deliver to some justice of the
peace of the district or county, all the papers and proceed-
All papers, &c.
to be delivered
to some justice.
ings relative thereto; and in case any writ of capias ad
respondendum, scire facias, capias ad satisfaciendum, fieri
facias or venditioni exponas, issued by either of said
courts, for the recovery of a sum not exceeding fifty dol-
lars, shall be in the hands of the sheriff, any coroner or
constable of said county, it shall be the duty of said she-
riff, coroner or constable, as the case may be, to return the
same to some justice of the peace of the county or district,
who shall take such proceedings therein as if the same
had been originally issued by a single justice.
Sheriff, &c. to
return writs.