CHAP. 77.
magistrates' courts in the several counties in this State,
and to prescribe the jurisdiction, passed December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter two hun-
dred and one, and the several supplements thereto, so far
as the same relates to Allegany county, be and the same
is hereby repealed.
Single justices
to have juris-
diction, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That after the first day of
May next, a single justice of the peace in Allegany coun-
ty, shall hold and have original jurisdiction in all cases
over which they now have jurisdiction, when the debt or
damages laid or claimed do not exceed the sum of one
In certain ca-
ses to charge
double fees.
hundred dollars; and that in all cases heard, adjudged and
determined before any single justice of the peace, when
the debt or damages adjudged and determined to be due
exceed the sum of fifty dollars, the said justices are here-
by authorised and empowered to charge double the fees
now allowed by law to a single justice of the peace in
Right of appeal
like cases under fifty dollars; and that each party shall
have and exercise the same right of appeal to the county
court, and in the same manner as is now allowed from the
judgments of single justices of the peace.
Jurisdiction in
cases of assault
and battery.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That a single justice of the
peace shall have jurisdiction in all cases of assault and
battery, when the damages laid or claimed do not exceed
the sum of twenty dollars: and that in all cases when a
warrant is demanded of a justice of the peace in civil ca-
ses of assault and battery, he shall require the party de-
manding the warrant to state the amount of damages
claimed, and insert the amount in his warrant before is-
suing the same.
bonds made
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all constables' bonds
hereafter to be taken in said county, shall be taken in the
penal sum of two thousand dollars; and all constables'
bonds taken in pursuance of the act, passed December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter two
hundred and one, entitled an act to establish magistrates'
courts in the several counties of this State, and to pre-
scribe their jurisdiction, are hereby made good and valid.
Docket to be
delivered. &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it is hereby made the
duty of the respective chief justices of the magistrates'
courts in and for Allegany county, to deliver to the clerk
of said county the docket or dockets kept by them within
thirty days after this act shall go into operation.
To publish. &c.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the commissioners of Allegany county, to publish in the