CHAP. 69.
is now made to the bailiffs of said court, for every day that
he shall attend said county court, or as a court of chan-
cery, but shall receive pay for only one day, when both
said courts may be in session.
Levy authorised.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the levy court of
Prince George's county, be and they are hereby authorised
and directed, at each and every levy laying day, to levy
upon the assessable property in said county, a sum suffi-
cient to pay the said crier's annual salary, and such other
sum as the messenger may appear to be entitled to by the
certificate of the clerk of Prince George's county court.
Passed Feb. 25,
An act for the despatch of business in Prince George's
County Court.
Sheriff to sum-
mon 73 jurors.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be the
duty of the sheriff of Prince George's county, at each and
every term of said court, to summon seventy-three quali-
Court to cause
pannel, &. c.
fied persons to attend said court as jurors; and it shall be
the duty of said court, on the first day of the meeting
thereof, to cause a panel of grand jurors to be drawn in
the usual manner, and then in like manner to divide the
remaining persons into two panels of petit jurors, one
class of whom shall be retained for the first week of said
court, and the others discharged until the second week
thereof; and the court may take such order for the alter-
nate attendance of the said panels during the sessions of
said court, as to them may seem necessary to the despatch
of business.
Passed Feb. 27,
An act for the relief of the Crier, Jurymen and Bailiffs of
Cecil County.
Expense to be
paid by county
from which
case is removed.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the county from which any cause sent or prosecution
may be removed to Cecil county court for trial, shall pay
to Cecil county all expenses incident to such removal, or