manner as small debts are recoverable by law; and when
collected, they shall be by said supervisor, paid over to the
commissioners of said county, to be applied by them, for
the repairs and uses of the public roads of the county
CHAP. 67.
A further supplement to the act, entitled an act to establish
Primary Schools in Prince George's County, passed at
December session eighteen hundred and thirty-seven.
Passed Feb. 26,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the taxable inhabitants of the respective school dis-
tricts, and the patrons of the schools established under the
act to which this is a supplement, shall meet annually on
the first Saturday in May at the school houses within their
respective school districts, and appoint three persons, tax-
able inhabitants or patrons, to serve as trustees for their re-
spective schools, whose duty it shall be to visit said
schools quarterly or oftener if necessary, to supervise the
manner in which said schools are conducted, a majority of
whom shall discharge any teacher for improper conduct,
Taxable inhab-
itants to meet
and appoint
or who may prove to be incompetent; provided, that noth-
ing contained in this act, shall interfere with the powers
of the trustees of the school fund authorized to be appoin-
ted under the supplement of the last session.
An act to provide for the compensation of the Crier and
Messenger to Prince George's County Court.
Passed Feb. 25,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the allowance by law of the fees to the
crier of Prince George's County Court, be and the same
is hereby repealed, and the compensation of the said offi-
cer is hereby established at one hundred and twenty-five
dollars per annum, which shall be in lieu of all other com-
Salary of crier
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the messenger to the
said court shall receive the same per diem allowance that
Messenger's sa-