ers by them appointed, condemn and establish public
landings, of sufficient extent to serve the public conve-
nience, whenever the said commissioners of Harford coun-
ty, upon a consideration of all the circumstances, shall be
of opinion that the public interest requires a public land-
ing at the place or places mentioned in any such petition
or petitions.
CHAP. 54.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That, in all applications
to be made for public landings, or for the opening, alter-
ing, laying out or shutting up of any public road in Har-
ford county, the notice of such intended application shall
be by advertisement, for not less than three weeks pre-
vious thereto, in the newspapers or newspaper printed in
said county.
To give notice.
An act to authorize the Levy Court in Frederick County, at
their discretion, to levy a sum of money to erect a Bridge
over Catoctin, in Frederick County, on the road leading
from Burketsville to Fredericktown.
Passed Feb. 1,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That, from and after the passage of this act,
the levy court of Frederick county be, and they are here-
by authorized, if in their discretion the public interest
and convenience require it, to levy a sum of money, not
exceeding fifteen hundred dollars, for the erection of a
bridge over Catoctin, in Frederick county, on the road
leading from Burketsville to Fredericktown, and of such
materials and of such construction as they, in their judg-
ment, may think best calculated to promote the public
interest; provided, the same shall be commenced within
three years and completed within five years after the pas-
sage of this act.
Levy authorised
to build bridge.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the judges of said levy
court shall not levy the whole sum in any one year, but
may levy a certain portion of said money, not exceeding
seven hundred and fifty dollars in any one year, until a
sufficient sum is raised, not exceeding fifteen hundred
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when said bridge is
built, it shall be a free bridge.
Whole sum not
to be levied in
any one year.
To be free.