COMMISSIONER OF LOANS— Treasurer to pay the
par value of said stock of said proceeds to the
Baltimore and Susquehanna R. R. Co. to
be appropriated by said company to the ob-
jects, &c. specified in the act of 1838, ch.
395; Commissioner of Loans to reserve
and place in the hands of the treasurer a
sufficient amount of said bonds at par value
equal to, and in payment of all arrearages
of interest due on 1st February, 1840, by
said company, to the State,
If at any time the legislature shall, by
law, see fit so to require, said company
shall provide a sufficient number of cars,
and to transport at the request of the own-
er, &c. lime, &c. at the rates established by
the charter of the company, &c. the own-
er, &c. to bear all the charges of loading,
&c. said cars to be provided, &c. at their
usual stopping places, &c.
This act not to take effect until the stock-
holders of said company, &c. and the city
of Baltimore, by ordinance, &c. shall have
respectively assented to the same, and shall
have agreed that the change in the stock
hereby authorised, shall not affect the liens, &c.
of the State &c. the same to remain un-
impaired and be as effectual to secure the
principal, &c. of the loans, &c. as if no
change had been made, &c.
CORPORATIONS— See Foreign Corporations.
COUNTY COURTS— See Courts of Chancery—Free
Negro and Mulatto Children.
COURTS OF CHANCERY— The county courts of this
State as courts of equity, or any judge,
authorised to decree the sale in all cases of
land, &c. held jointly or in common, &c.
sale under such decree shall pass to pur-
chaser all the right, &c. of all persons par-
ties to the suit, &c.
If any feme covert, by marriage with one
of the joint tenents, &c. shall have acquir-
ed a potential right of dower, or part of
the estate to be sold, such right, &c. de-
clared to be within the power of the court
or judge, to decree the sale, &c.