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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 297   View pdf image
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Maryland, at its pleasure, to alter, amend or annul this act
of incorporation.


CHAP. 309.

An ad for the relief of sundry Poor Persons, in the seve-
ral Counties therein mentioned.

Passed Mar. 19,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court or county commissioners, as the case
may be, of Harford county, Prince George's, Cecil, Bal-
timore, Carroll, Queen Anne's, Calvert, and Somerset
counties, be and they are hereby severally authorised, di-
rected and empowered, at their next annual meeting, so
long as they shall see cause, at their discretion, except
otherwise directed by this act, to levy and assess on the
assessable property of said counties for the use of the se-
veral persons hereafter mentioned, any sum of money not

Levy authorised.

names, viz: In Harford county, to Patrick Canary,
twenty dollars, payable to L. M. Jarrett; William Dulen,
thirty dollars, payable to Stephen I. Magraw; Francis
Fareweather, twenty dollars, payable to John Butler,
Elisha Mitchell, thirty dollars; Edward Jackson, thirty
dollars, payable to John Kean, former sheriff; Michael
M'Laughlin, twenty-five dollars, payable to James Pan-
nel; James Barton, thirty dollars, and Mary Charlton, ten

Harford county.

dollars in addition to her present pension. In Cecil
county, to Hugh Kirkpatrick, twenty-five dollars; John
and Ann Boyd, each twenty-five dollars; Elizabeth Har-
gan, twenty dollars. In Prince George's county, Mary
A. Magruder, ten dollars, payable to Walter B. Brooke;
Mary and William Kidwell, ten dollars each, payable to
George I. Naylor. In Baltimore county, to John Hen-
derson, thirty dollars. In Carroll county, Richard Loque,
twenty dollars, and they are hereby required to levy the
same. In Queen Anne's county, to Annas Everest, fifteen
dollars; James Collier, twenty dollars; William Walker,
twenty dollars, (discretionary. ) In Calvert county, to
William Smith, thirty dollars; Rachel Shriver, thirty dol-
lars; Priscilla Grover, thirty dollars in addition to what
she is at present entitled to by law, (discretionary. ) In
Somerset county, to Betsy Cottingham, forty dollars, pay-
able to Morris H. Adams, and they are hereby required
to levy the same.


Prince George's.


Queen Anne's.



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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 297   View pdf image
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