CHAP. 202.
Amount due
to be certified.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That when said bridge and
causeway shall be completed, it shall be the duty of tha
said commissioners to issue to the person or persons with
whom they may contract for the erection of said bridge or
causeway, a certificate or certificates certifying the amount
due him or them, for the work so completed by them; pro-
vided, the whole cost of the said bridge and abutments
shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars.
Levy court of P.
G. county to le-
vy one-half the
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the levy court of Prince George's county, at the next
levy laying day after the said work shall be completed, to
levy upon the assessable property of said county, for the
use of the person or persons who may hold the certificate
or certificates of the commissioners, as provided for by the
second section of this act, one half the amount of said
of A. A. county
the other half.
certificate or certificates; and that it shall be the duty of
the commissioners of the tax of Anne Arundel county, at
the next levy laying day after such works shall be comple-
ted as aforesaid, to levy upon the assessable property of
said county, the other half the amount of said certificates
to be given under the provisions of the said second sec-
to contract,&c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That William T. Wootton,
Richard Clagett, William D. Bowie and Samuel Peach, of
Prince George's county, and John Iglehart, Jefferson
Dorsett, George W. Hughes and William Brogden, of
Anne Arundel county, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners, with full power and authority to contract
for the works hereinbefore specified; and after said works
shall be completed and approved of and received by them,
to issue a certificate or certificates, according to the provi-
sions of the second section of this act.
Authority to
change location
of roads, &c.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall have power to change the location of the
roads leading to the said bridge for the purpose.
No levy to be
made on H. Dis.
SEC. 6. And be it enacied, That no part of the expenses
by this act to be incurred, shall be levied upon or be sus-
tained by Howard district, Anne Arundel county.