SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any trustee shall
neglect to attend to the duties of his office for the space of
twelve months, his place shall be considered vacant.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That nothing herein shall
be so construed as to authorise this corporation to issue any
note, certificate, token or evidence of debt, to be used as
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the legislature hereby
expressly reserve the power to alter, amend or annul this
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall endure
for thirty years and no longer.
CHAP. 198.
If trustee ne-
glect to attend
to his duties.
Banking forbid.
Rights reserved.
In force.
An act to authorise John Leatherberry, late Collector of
Somerset County, to complete his collections.
Passed Jan. 14,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John Leatherberry, late collector of Somerset county,
be and he is hereby authorised and empowered from and
after the passage of this act, until the first day of June, in
the year eighteen hundred and forty-one, to collect and re-
ceive any and every balance or amount of officers fees,
chancery taxes and fines, forfeitures and county taxes, or
public dues, whatsoever, which he was authorised by law
to collect during the term of his office as collector as afore-
said, and which has not yet been collected, in the same
manner and with the same effect, powers and privileges, as
To make collec-
if the term of his said office had not expired; provided, that
the said Leatheiberry shall not proceed to collect or receive
any balance or amount aforesaid, until he shall have made
several affidavit before some justice of the peace of said
county, or when the estate of a deceased person is affected
before the register of wills for said county, that said bal-
ance or amount is justly due, and he hath not received any
payment, security or satisfaction for the same, or any part
thereof, nor any person for him, save the credits if any giv-
en, on the written statement or account of said balance or
amount; nor until a certificate of such affidavit by the offi-
cer taking the same, shall have been endorsed on said writ-
ten statement or account, or annexed thereto.