CHAP. 183.
An act to make valid and binding the survey of the Taxa-
ble Bounds of the Corporation of the Town of Cumber-
land, as made under the instructions of the Mayor and
Councilmen of said Corporation, in August, eighteen
hundred and thirty-nine, under the law of eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight, chapter three hundred and seventy-
nine, section two.
Passed Feb. 29,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the survey of August, eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine, made under the instructions of the Mayor
and Councilmen of the Town of Cumberland, and enter-
ed upon the record of their proceedings and recorded in
the county clerk's office, of Allegany county, as constitu-
ting the bounds of the taxable limits of the corporation of
said Town, be ratified and confirmed as valid and bind-
ing in law.
Survey ratified.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all town lots, improv-
ed or otherwise, and all houses and other buildings em-
braced in said survey, and not heretofore included in the-
plat of said town, be subject to taxation for the necessary
purposes of the said corporation, in common with the
property heretofore subject to a like taxation, to be levied
and collected agreeably to an equitable assessment, under
the authority of the officers of said corporation.
All town lots
&,c. to be sub-
ject to taxation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That wherever said survey
may have embraced a field or part of a field, not laid off
into lots, and having no improvements thereon, that such
field or part of field shall be exempt from corporation tax;
but that whenever such portions of said survey may be-
come laid off into streets, lots, or improved with buildings,
such lots and buildings to be then subject to taxation for
the purposes, and in like manner as made and provided
in the second section of this act.
All fields, &c.
exempt from
An act to create an additional Primary School District, in
Frederick County.
Passed Mar. 2.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly
of Maryland, by the petition of sundry citizens of Frede-