CHAP. 178.
To be recorded
which certificate shall be admitted to record among the
land records of Talbot county, and a certified copy of said
certificate shall be evidence of the facts it contains, in
any trial, commission or other matter in which the loca-
tion of said land may hereafter be brought in question.
Boundary plan-
ted under this
act to be sub-
stitute for ori-
ginal one.
SEC. 4. And be it farther enacted, That the bounda-
ry planted under the authority of this act, shall be deemed
and taken as a substitute for the original boundary, and to
have in all respects the same force and effect.
Passed Feb. 27,
An act to repeal an act to authorise an alteration in the lo-
cation of the Public Road from the City of Annapolis
to the City of Baltimore, through the lands of Leonard
Iglehart, John T. Hodges, Nicholas B. Worthington and
Absalom Bealmear and Wife, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, chapter one hundred
and sixty- three.
Act of 1838,ch.
163, repealed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the act of December session one thousand
eight hundred and thirty nine, chapter one hundred and
sixty-three, which authorised an alteration in the public
road from the city of Annapolis to the city of Baltimore,
through the lands of Leonard Iglehart, John T. Hodges,
Nicholas B. Worthington and Absolom Bealmear and wife,
be and the same is hereby repealed, and the road as itex-
isted prior to the passage of the act hereby repealed, is
hereby restored and declared to be a public road.
to be appointed
to value dama-
ges, &c.
Levy to be made.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Anne Arundel county shall appoint three persons to act as
commissioners, who shall assess and ascertain the dama-
ges and expenses which have been sustained and incurred
by Leonard Iglehart in the execution of the act of As-
sembly which is hereby intended to repeal, and report the
same to the said commissioners of Anne Arundel county,
who are hereby authorised to levy the said damages on
Anne Arundel county, for the benefit of said Leonard
Oath of office.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said commissioners,
and each of them who shall act, before he acts as such,
shall take an oath or affirmation, well and truly to assess
said damages according to the provisions of this act.