CHAP. 115.
Passed Mar. 19,
A further supplement to the act, entitled an ad to autho-
rise the appointment of Commissioners, and the division
of Worcester County into School Districts, and for
other purposes.
made valid.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the proceedings of the Board of Primary
Schools of Worcester county since their appointment, be
and they are hereby declared valid and legal; and the ap-
portionment made by them between the school districts of
said county, shall be continued or altered in their discre-
tion, until the population and limits of said districts be as-
To appoint a
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said board shall
have power, if they deem it expedient, to appoint a clerk
to said board, and to allow him such compensation as
they shall consider proper, to be paid out of the school
funds of said county.
Per diem.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the members of said
board of primary schools shall be entitled to the same per
diem allowance, as judges of the orphans' court of said
county, to be paid out of the school fund aforesaid.
Passed Mar. 16,
An act to provide for the building of a Court House in
Frederick County.
Court house, &c.
to be built.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the levy court of Frederick county, be
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, if in their
discretion they deem it expedient, to build on the site of
the present court house in Fredericktown, in Frederick
county, a new court house, a clerk's office, a register's
office, a sheriff's office, a surveyor's office and an office
for the said levy court, in such manner and style, and up-
Materials of old
court house to
be used.
on such plan as they may elect; and in such building to
use the materials of the present court house, the old
clerk's and fire proof office, and the office of register of
To borrow mo-
wills in said county; and for the purpose of defraying the
expenses of the said buildings, the said levy court are au-
thorised and empowered to borrow any sum of money,