negligent management of the said sheriff, and his deputies, they have suffered very considerably,
and that many defaults in the county court of Queen-Anne's county were entered up against the
said sheriff which they have paid, and have prayed that Solomon Sparks may be authorised to issue
execution and to receive the amount of all such defaults as they have paid against the defendants on
whose account the said sheriff was defaulted; therefore,
IT. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Solomon Sparks be and he is hereby
authorised and empowered to issue execution against all and every person or persons on whose ac-
count the said sheriff was defaulted, and in which the said Solomon Sparks, or William Stenson and
Benjamin Hall, or either of them, have, as security or securities of said sheriff, paid the amount of
such defaults, and that he have full power and authority, to all intents and purposes, to demand,
receive and give, final discharge and acquittance for the same, in the same manner as the said she-
riff could now be authorised to do; provided nevertheless, that the defendant or defendants on
whose account the sheriff may have been defaulted, shall not have paid heretofore the amount of
such defaults to some person authorised by law to receive the same.
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.
An ACT for the relief of Joseph C. Oliver, of Somerset County.
WHEREAS Joseph C. Oliver, of Somerset county, emigrated to, and settled in, this state,
and since his emigration has acquired a small parcel of real property in Somerset county, and.
his title to such property may be called in question from his not having been naturalized before the
purchase thereof; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title of the real property law-
fully and fairly acquired by the aforesaid Joseph C. Oliver, be and the same is hereby as fully and
amply vested in the said Joseph C. Oliver, his heirs and assigns, as if the said Joseph C. Oliver had
been naturalized agreeably to the laws of the United States before the acquiring such real property,
provided the said Joseph C. Oliver shall proceed according to law to make himself a citizen of the
United States.
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.
An ACT for the relief and benefit of David Hanlon.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the judges of Anne-Arundel county court,
be and they are hereby authorised and directed, to extend to David Hanlon, of Annapolis, the
benefit and relief of the act of assembly passed at November session, one thousand eight hundred and
five, entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the supplementary acts thereto,
without compelling the said David Hanlon to obtain the assent of two thirds of his creditors, as by
Jaw prescribed, in the same manner as if the said David Hanlon had obtained the assent of two
thirds of his creditors as prescribed by law.
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.
An ACT for extending and uniting Holliday-Street in the City of
WHEREAS sundry persons of the city of Baltimore, have represented to this general assem-
bly, that the beauty and convenience of the said city would be materially improved and be-
nefitted by the extending and uniting Holliday-street, in the said city, which is at present conside-
rably obstructed, and liable to be much more so hereafter; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners of the city of
Baltimore shall and they are hereby authorised and empowered to extend, open and unite, the south
end of Holliday-street with the north end thereof, by extending a line ranging with the front of
Jacob Myer's new house from the south end of Holliday-street to Saint Paul's-street, for the west
side of Holliday-street, and for the east side thereof by a lint parallel with the above extending
from Orange-alley to Fish-street at the distance of fifty feet from the west side, making a footway
on each side of eleven feet in width, and the said street, when so opened and extended, and the
valuation and assessment herein after directed to be made shall have taken place, shall be deemed
and taken, and is hereby declared to be, a public street and highway for ever thereafter; and the
said commissioners' are hereby required to return a plot, ascertaining the limits and extent of the
said street, when so extended and opened, to the register of the city of Baltimore, who shall re-
ceive and file the same as part of the plot of the city of Baltimore.