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Session Laws, 1810
Volume 599, Page 89   View pdf image
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to James Wilson the benefit and relief of the act of assembly, passed at November session, eigh-
teen hundred and five, entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the supple-
ments thereto, without compelling him to produce the assent of two thirds in amount of his credi-
tors, and to extend and afford to the said James Wilson all the benefits, advantages and provisions,
of the act aforesaid, and the supplements thereto, in the same manner, and upon the same terms
and conditions, as if he had obtained the assent of two thirds of his creditors to his release under
the same.



An ACT to continue in force the Acts of Assembly which would
expire with the present session.

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all such acts and parts of acts of as--
sembly as would expire with the present session of assembly, be and the same are hereby
continued for one year from the passage of this act, and until the end of the next session of
assembly which shall happen thereafter.

Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.

An ACT to empower the Trustee herein after named to sell certain
Lands belonging to Anna Maria O'Bryon, situate, lying and being, in
Queen- Anne's County, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Edward Clayton, be and he is hereby
constituted and appointed trustee, to sell and convey, in fee-simple, all the right, title and
interest, that Anna Maria O'Bryon, a minor, has in certain lands situate, lying and being, in
Queen-Anne's county, which she has lawfully inherited under the will of her grand-father James
O'Bryon, deceased, known by the name of Claxon Hill, or by whatever name or names it may be
called, containing about twenty-eight acres, be the same more or less.

II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee aforesaid, before he proceeds to sell the land afore-
said, shall give bond to the state of Maryland, with competent security to be approved of by the
orphans court, in the sum of six hundred dollars, for the faithful discharge of the duties required
by this act, which bond shall be recorded by the register of said court, and may be put in suit by
any person or person^ interested, in the same manner as administration bonds usually are.

III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee aforesaid shall proceed to sell the land aforesaid,
either for cash or credit, at public or private sale, as may to him appear to be most conducive to
the interest of the said minor, and that the interest arising therefrom shall be annually by him paid
to the use of the said Anna Maria O'Bryon, minor, until she arrives at age, or be married, at
which period he is hereby directed to pay over to the said Anna Maria O'Bryon the whole principal
sum for which the said land was sold.

IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sale to be made by the trustee aforesaid, shall be approved
of by the justices of the orphans court, in order to give it validity; and provided nevertheless, that
nothing in this act contained shall be construed to bar the right that any creditor might otherwise
enjoy and have against the said lands.


Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.

An ACT for the relief of Thomas Karney.

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the judges of Anne-Arundel county
court, or any one of them, be and they are hereby directed and authorised to extend to Thomas
Karney, of Annapolis, the benefit of an act of assembly passed at November session, eighteen hun-
dred and five, entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the supplements thereto
without compelling the said Thomas Karney to obtain the assent of two thirds of his creditors as
by law required, in the same manner as if the said Thomas Karney had obtained the assent of two
thirds of his creditors as prescribed by law.


Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.

An ACT for the relief of Solomon Sparks, William Stenson and
Benjamin Hall, of Queen- Anne's County,

WHEREAS Solomon Sparks, William Stenson and Benjamin Hall, have represented, that they
were securities for James R. Pratt, late sheriff of Queen-Anne's county, and that by the

Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.

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Session Laws, 1810
Volume 599, Page 89   View pdf image
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