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Session Laws, 1810
Volume 599, Page 9   View pdf image
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acquired, or that shall hereafter be acquired, before the recording of said deed, by any person, from
the said Robert Gilla Hampton, by deed or other conveyance, shall be in any manner affected or im-
paired by the passage of this act.




An ACT to authorise Hannah A. Hayes, Guardian of the Heirs at
Law of Stephen Hayes,, deceased, to convey certain Lands therein
mentioned, lying in Caecil County.

WHEREAS it hath been represented to this general assembly, that Hannah A. Hayes, widow
of Stephen Hayes, of Caecil county, and guardian to John Hayes, Henry Moore Hayes,
Thomas May Hayes, George Hayes, Robert May Hayes, Maria Hayes and Elizabeth Brooke Hayes,
hath sold to a certain William Rickets, of the same county, for the sum of twenty-five hundred
dollars, part of the real estate of the said Stephen Hayes, being a certain water grist-mill and saw-
mill seat on Big Elk, and two pieces or parcels of land, being part of a tract of land called Dole-
Dife, situate and being in the county aforesaid, conveyed to the said Stephen Hayes by a certain
Kinsey Johns and Joseph Tatnall, of the state of Delaware, by a deed duly executed, acknowledged
and recorded, bearing date on the thirtieth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and seven, and that she hath given her bond to the said William Rickets, in the pe-
nalty of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the conveyance of said lands and premises by the said
heirs at law when they should arrive at lawful age; and the said Hannah A. Hayes hath prayed that
she may be empowered to convey to the said William Rickets the aforesaid lands and premises;
which representation appearing true, and the prayer thereof reasonable, therefore,.

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Hannah A. Hayes be and she is
hereby authorised and empowered, upon the payment of the whole purchase money aforesaid, to
convey unto the said William Rickets, in fee-simple, by a deed, under her hand and seal, duly acknow-
ledged, all the estate, right, title, interest and claim, either at law or iniquity, which the said
John Hayes, Henry Moore Hayes, Thomas May Hayes, George Hayes, Robert May Hayes, Maria
Hayes and Elizabeth Brooke Hayes, now have as heirs at law of the said Stephen Hayes, of, in or
to, the said lands and premises; which deed, when so executed and acknowledged, shall be recorded
among the (and records of Caecil county, within the time and in the manner which other deeds for
any real estate are required by law to be recorded; provided nevertheless, that before the said Han-
nah A. Hayes shall be authorised to make the conveyance aforesaid, she shall give bond to the state
of Maryland, with good and sufficient security, to be approved of by the orphans court of Caecil
county, and in such penalty as the said court shall adjudge proper, conditioned for the payment to all
the heirs at law aforesaid, as they shall severally arrive at lawful age, of such part or portion of the
money, with interest, thereon, arising from the sale of said lands and premises, as may by law be
due and payable to them, which bond shall be recorded in the office of the register of wills for the
county aforesaid, upon an attested copy of which, under the seal of office, any suit or suits may be
brought for the non-performance of the condition of said bond, by any person or persons interested

in the same.


Passed Decem-
ber 23, 1810.

An ACT to confirm an Act passed at November Session, eighteen
hundred and nine, entitled, An Act to alter and abolish all such
parts of the Constitution and Form of Government as require a
property qualification in Persons to be appointed or holding Offices
of Profit or Trust in this State, and in Persons elected Members
of the Legislature or Electors of the Senate; therefore,

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said act, entitled, An act to alter
and abolish all such parts of the constitution and form of government as require a property
qualification in persons to be appointed or holding offices of profit and trust in this state, and in per-
sons elected members of the legislature or electors of the senate, be and it is Hereby confirmed and
made-valid to every intent and purpose therein mentioned.

Passed Decem-
ber 23, 1810.

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Session Laws, 1810
Volume 599, Page 9   View pdf image
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