II. AND, whereas John Worthington, of Anne-Arundel county, had conceived himself aggrieved
by the valuation and assessment of damages laid by the commissioners named in the act, entitled,
An act to authorise the opening of a road in Anne-Arundel and Prince-George's counties, and did
appeal therefrom to a jury, agreeably to the provisions contained in that act, and although the jury
met and were empannelled, yet the diversity of opinion as to the injury sustained by said Worthing,
ton was so great, that the jury separated without assessing any damages; therefore, BE IT ENACTED,
That Francis Bealmear, Lancelot Warfield and Henry Maynadier, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to review the road as now laid out, and the said commissioners, or a majority of
them, s. hall value and ascertain what damages have been sustained by the said John Worthington,
by means of the aforesaid road passing over his land, and such valuation and assessment of damages
shall be final and conclusive, and shall be deemed and considered as full satisfaction for all injuries
sustained by said John Worthington in opening said road; provided, that if the commissioners afore-
said, or a majority of them, shall assess the damages to a greater amount than the commissioners
named in the act before recited, then the levy court of Anne-Arundel county, at their next meet-
ing thereafter, are hereby authorised and empowered to assess and levy on the assessable property
of Anne-Arundel county, such excess of valuation or assessment of damages,. and when collected to
pay over the same to the said John Worthington, or his order.
An ACT to prevent the increase of Banking Companies.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That after the first day of January next,
it shall not be lawful for any persons to associate together for the purpose of forming themselves
into a banking company, without first applying to the general assembly and obtaining an act of in-
corporation, but if persons shall associate together with an intention of creating a banking company,
and shall proceed to appoint a day to receive subscriptions for the shares into which the capital
stock is to be divided, each person who shall act as a commissioner, director or manager, for re-
ceiving such subscriptions, shall forfeit and pay two thousand dollars, one half to the informer, and
the other half to the county, to be recovered by action of debt in the county court of the county
where such offence may be committed.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or persons shall act as commissioners, directors or
managers, for the purpose afore-mentioned, that any person, co-partnership or body politic, that
shall subscribe for any share or shares in such contemplated bank, shall forfeit and pay the sum of
one hundred dollars, one half to the informer, and the other half to the county, to be recovered by
action of debt in the county court of the county where such offence may be committed.
Passed Decem-
ber 24, 1810.
An additional Supplement to an Act, entitled, An Act to prevent the
going at large of Swine in the Village of Hillsborough, in Caroline
County, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the trustees of Hillsborough school,
that the acts of assembly heretofore passed intending to compel the person appointed bailiff
for said village, is found inadequate for that purpose, and it is likewise represented by the said trus-
tees, that a number of children are enticed away from the charity school, at said village, by artful
and designing persons, after having been cloathed by the funds of said school, before they acquire a
knowledge of common arithmetic; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That when any person shall be appointed
bailiff of said village, agreeably to law, and such person being so appointed shall refuse or neglect
to qualify as the law requires, after having five days notice of his appointment, shall be liable to a
fine not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars, to be recovered, in the name of the
trustees of Hillsborough school before a justice of the peace of the said county, as other small
debts are, and applied to the use of said school.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when any child shall be admitted into Hillsborough school, on
charity, from and after the first day of May next, shall depart therefrom without permission from
the teacher, or one of the trustees, and shall be concealed or harboured by any person for the space
of five days, such person so concealing or harbouring such child for the time aforesaid, shall be
Passed Decem-
ber 24, 1810.