Passed Decem-
ber 24, 1810.
Ail ACT for the relief of William Maxwell, of the City of Balti-
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the judges of Baltimore county court,
be and they are hereby authorised and directed, to extend to William Maxwell, of the city of
Baltimore, the benefit of the act of assembly passed at November session, eighteen hundred and
five, entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the several supplements thereto,
without requiring the said William Maxwell to produce the assent, in writing, of two thirds of his
creditors, as is prescribed by the provisions of the said act and supplements.
Passed Decem-
ber 24, 1810.
A Supplement to an Act, entitled, An Act to confirm a Road in Har-
ford and Baltimore Counties therein mentioned.
WHEREAS some doubts are entertained whether the act to which this is a supplement, autho-
rises the commissioners therein named to assess and ascertain the damages done to individu-
als, by reason of said road being laid over their lands in Harford county, and to remove those
debts, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners named in the
original act to which this is a supplement, be and they are hereby authorised, to ascertain and assess
what damages are done to individuals by reason of said road being laid over their lands, in Harford
county, and make return of the same agreeably to the directions of the original act.
Passed Decem-
ber 24, 1810.
An ACT for the relief of Isaac Hazlehurst and Andrew Hazlehurst,
of the City of Baltimore.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the judges of Baltimore county court,
be and they are hereby authorised and directed, to extend to Isaac Hazlehurst and Andrew Ha-
zlehurst, of the city of Baltimore, and each of them, the benefit of the act of assembly passed at
November session, eighteen hundred and five, entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent
debtors, and the several supplements thereto, without requiring the said Isaac Hazlehurst and An-
drew Hazlehurst, or either of them, to produce the assent, in writing, of two thirds of their cre-
ditors, as is prescribed by the provisions of the said act and supplements.
Passed Decem-
ber 24, 1810.
An ACT to authorise and empower the Levy Court of Montgomery
County to assess and levy a sum of money on the assessable pro-
perty thereof for the purpose of building a Clerk's Office in said
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Richard Anderson, Robert P. Magru-
der and Lewis Beall, shall be and they are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose of
carrying this act into execution.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of the levy court of Montgomery county, or a ma-
jority of them, are hereby authorised, directed and required, to assess and levy, such sum of money
as the aforesaid commissioners may direct, on the assessable property of said county, for the purpose
aforesaid, at the time of laying their next public levy, so as aforesaid to be made and levied, shall
be collected by the collector, for the time being, in the same manner as other public charges are by
law collected, and the said sum of money, when so collected as aforesaid, shall be paid by such col-
lector to the aforesaid commissioners, or a majority of them, who are hereby authorised and required
to receive and apply the same to the use and purpose as by this act is directed.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the aforesaid commissioners, or a majority of them, shall
and they are hereby authorised and required, to contract and agree for the building of the said
clerk's office, and to direct the plans of the same, which said clerk's office shall be erected on the
ground appropriated by law for that purpose, and when erected, finished and completed, shall be
used, held, taken and deemed to be, the proper clerk's office of Montgomery county.