An ACT for the benefit of the Heirs of John Brown Hackett.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly by the petition of Anna Maria Hackett,
that she is guardian to her four children, Sarah, Elizabeth, Anne and John Hackett, who
inherit from their father and are possessed of a part of a tract of land called John's Chance and
Salem Resurveyed, lying and being in Queen-Anne's county, in the state of Maryland, which being
wood-land and containing the quantity of forty acres only, and situated remote from any other land
belonging to any of her said children is unprofitable and also incapable of a beneficial division among
them, and prays that a law may pass authorising the sale of the said land, and the. same appearing
to the advantage of 'the children and heirs, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the orphans court
of Queen-Anne's county, shall have power and authority on the petition of the said Anna Maria
Hackett, guardian to the said children of the said John Brown Hackett, late of the said county,
deceased, provided they shall be satisfied that it will be conducive to the benefit of the said chil-
dren, and not injurious to the interest of the creditors of the said John Brawn Hackett, deceased,
to order the sale of the following property, to wit: Part of a tract of land called John's Chance
and Salem Resurveyed, lying in the county aforesaid, and containing forty acres, part of the estate
of the said deceased, and which was conveyed to him by a deed from Benjamin Ringgold, upon such
terms as the said justices may think proper, and to appoint the said Anna Maria Hackett, or any
other proper person, trustee, for the purpose of effecting such sale.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any sale made under the authority granted by the provisions of
this act, shall be notified to, and confirmed by, the justices of the orphans court aforesaid, before
the conveyance of the property shall be made, and bond in the name of the state of Maryland, with
good and sufficient security, to be approved of by the said justices, shall be given by t lie person em-
powered to sell the land aforesaid under the order aforesaid, for the due execution of the trust,,
which bond shall be lodged with the register of wills for Queen-Anne's county, to be by him re-
corded among the proceedings of the orphans court of said county, and shall be subject to be put in
suit by any person or persons interested therein.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee to be appointed by the order of the justices afore-
said, shall be accountable to the said children, and the administrator or administratrix, executor or
executrix, of the said John Brown Hackett, deceased, under the direction of the justices aforesaid,
and shall pay over the money arising from the sale of the lands aforesaid, in such manner as the Jus--
tices of the orphans court aforesaid shall and may direct.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any conveyance or deed which shall be made by the trustee
aforesaid, under the order of the said justices of the orphans court of Queen-Anne's county, shall
be, and the same is hereby declared to be, valid and effectual to pass away all the right, title and in-
terest, of the said children and heirs of the said John Brown Hackett, deceased, in and to the
lands aforesaid, to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and their heirs respectively; provided ne-
vertheless, that nothing in this act contained shall be construed to bar the said Anna Maria Hackett
of her right of dower to the aforesaid land, or so much of the proceeds of the sales thereof, as the
aforesaid justices of the orphans court shall deem her entitled to in law.
Passed Decem-
ber 24, 1810.
An ACT annulling the Marriage of William Price, and Margaret
his Wife.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the marriage of William Price, and
Margaret his wife, heretofore solemnized, be, and the same is hereby declared to be, abso-
lutely and to all intents and purposes null and void, and the said William Price, and Margaret his
wife, are hereby declared to be divorced from the bond of matrimony.
Passed Decem-
ber 24, 1810.