A List of Laws passed November Session, 1810.
AN ACT to settle and ascertain the salary of the members of the council for the ensuing year.
An act tor the relief of Elizabeth Fling, of Allegany county.
An act for the benefit of Elizabeth Coale, of Baltimore county.
An act to give validity and operation to the deeds of conveyance therein mentioned.
An act for the relief of Oliver R. Howell, of the state of Delaware.
An act to establish the line between Frederick and Washington counties.
An act for the benefit of the people in Kent county called Quakers.
An act to release the right of the state to a part of a trail of land therein mentioned.
An act for the support of William Clarke, and his helpless family, of Worcester county.
An act for the benefit of the infant children of James Wilson Perry, of Montgomery county, deceased.
An act to lay out and make public a road in Anne-Arundel county.
An act to make valid a deed from Arthur Woolford to James Laird, of Somerset county.
A Further supplement to an act, entitled, An act to confirm and make public a certain road therein mentioned.
An act to alter and change the place of holding the election in the third election district in Caecil county, and for
other purposes.
An act relating to servants and slaves.
An act to give validity to a deed from Robert Gilla Hampton to William Gilbert.
An act to authorise Hannah A. Hayes, guardian of the heirs at law of Stephen Hayes, deceased, to convey certain
lands therein mentioned lying in Caecil county.
An act to confirm an ad passed at November session, eighteen hundred and nine, entitled, An act to alter and abo-
lish all such parts of the constitution and form of government as require a property qualification in persons to
be appointed or holding offices of profit or trust in this state, and in persons elected members of the legislature
or electors of the senate.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to authorise the drawing of a lottery in Frederick-town, for the purposes
of paving Market-street in said town.
An act to confirm to Lewis Grant Davidson, of the city of Baltimore, the surname of Davidson.
An act to give validity and operation to the deed of conveyance therein mentioned.
An act to repeal an act for the more effectual preservation of the breed of wild deer in Dorchester county.
An act to lay out and open a road from the Franklin paper mill, on Gwinn's Falls, in Baltimore county, to the new
Liberty road.
An act to confirm ah act passed at November session, eighteen hundred and nine, entitled, An act to alter all such
parts of the declaration of rights, constitution and form of government, as make it lawful to lay an equal and a
general tax for the support of the Christian Religion.
An act to appoint Thomas Harris, jun. of the city of Annapolis, trustee for the sale of the real estate of John
Gwinn, Esquire, late of the said city, deceased.
An act authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to authorise a lottery to raise a sum of money for repairing the protestant
episcopal church in the city of Annapolis.
A Further additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act to direct descents.
An act for the relief of Margaret Widnor, of Harford county.
An act to open a road in Washington county.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to lay out and make public a road therein mentioned in Caecil county,
passed the sixth day of January, eighteen hundred and nine.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to lay out and open a certain road in Caecil county, passed the third day of
January, eighteen hundred and seven.
An act to confirm an act passed at November session, one thousand eight hundred and nine, entitled, An act to alter
such parts of the constitution and form of government of this state as relate to voters and qualification of voters.
A Further supplement to the act, entitled, An ad for the amending, and reducing into system, the laws and regulations
concerning last wills and testaments, the duties of executors, administrators and guardians, and the rights of
orphans and other representatives of deceased persons.
An act for the relief of Edward L. Miles.
An act to preserve the breed of fish in Baltimore county.
An act for the relief of Sarah Rimmer, of the city of Annapolis.
An act to alter and change a road in the village of Denton, in Caroline county.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to open a road in Frederick county.
An act to authorise a lottery for a certain purpose in Frederick county.
An act for the relief of John Murray, devisee of John Muir.
An act for the relief of William Austin.
An act authorising the levy court of Charles county to sell and dispose of the land therein mentioned.
An act for the relief of John Norris, of Harford county.
An act annulling the marriage of Abraham Parks, and Eleanor his wife, of Baltimore county.
An act to reduce the per diem of the judges and clerks of elections in Allegany county,