CHAP. 102.
Tenants may pave.
And deduct from
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if any ground bor-
dering on any one or more streets ordered as aforesaid
to be paved, shall be tenanted out, it shall and may be
lawful for the tenant or tenants, to pave the street or
streets as aforesaid, or in case it shall have been done
by the commissioners agreeably to the third section of
this act, it shall and may be lawful for the tenant or
tenants, to pay the costs and charges; and the same
shall be allowed in part payment of the rent due, and
to become due to the owner or owners.
Case of refusal.
Sale authorised.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if the tenant or ten-
ants shall refuse to have the street or streets required to
be paved as aforesaid, and also refuse to pay the cost and
charges incurred by the commissioners in virtue of the
third section of this act, that it shall and may be law-
ful for the commissioners, either to sell for cash at pub-
lic sale, so much of the said ground as may be neces-
sary for the payment of the said cost and charges incur-
red by the commissioners; provided, three weeks notice
inserted in some paper published in Cambridge, shall
have been given, declaring the time, place, manner and
terms of sale; or the commissioners may collect the
same, agreeably to the directions of the fourth section
of this act.
Restrictions on
granting licences
to retail liquors.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall not be law-
ful for the clerk of Dorchester county court, to grant
to any applicant or applicants, a license to retail any
spirituous distilled, or malt liquors within the limits
of the town of Cambridge, unless the said applicant or
applicants, shall exhibit to the said clerk of the court,
the recommendation of a majority of the commissioners
of the said town, obtaining from the said commission-
ers in town meeting assembled, with the attestation of
the clerk of the said commissioners.
Licenses issued
may be cancelled.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That in case any license,
shall have been granted, or may hereafter be granted,
to any retailer or retailers of spirituous, fermented or
malt liquors in the town of Cambridge, it shall and
may be lawful fur a majority of the commissioners
aforesaid, in town meeting assembled, to cancel or
withdraw any such license or licenses, in the same
manner as the judges of the several county courts are
now authorised to do.