CHAP. 92.
An act to authorize the Commissioners of Washington
a county to refund to Leonard Smelser, of said county,
a certain sum of money.
Passed Feb. 25,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Washington county, be, and
are hereby authorized to refund to Leonard Smelser,
of said county, the sum of thirty-eight dollars and for-
ty-nine cents, being the amount of a fine and costs im-
posed by the Washington county court, upon a pre-
sentment at the March term, eighteen hundred and
thirty-seven, if in their judgments it is right and pro-
per so to do.
Discretionary pow-
er granted to com-
An act entitled, an act to make valid a certain deed
therein mentioned.
Passed Feb. 26,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deed which was executed by a certain John
Brightwell, jr., of Decatur county, in the State of
Indianna, on the twenty seventh day of June in the
year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, to a certain
Alexander B. Watson, of Gurnsey county, in Ohio,
for a tract or parcel of land, lying in Prince George's
county in this State, be, and the same is hereby de-
clared to be as good, valid and effectual in law, for all
purposes, as if the same had been properly executed,
acknowledged and recorded according to the laws of
this State; Provided however, that this act shall not be
construed so as to change, alter, confirm, or invali-
date the legal or equitable title which any person or
persons, may have to said land, and which shall or may
have accrued in a manner other than from, or through,
the defective execution, and acknowledgement of said
Deed confirmed.