and privates of the forty-second regiment of Maryland
Militia, and those who supplied them with provisions,
ammunition, and other military stores, while engaged
in suppressing the riots on the Susquehanna and Tide
Water Canal, to be twenty-four hundred, eighty-eight
dollars and twenty-six rents.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to Colonel
John Budd, of the forty-second regiment of Maryland
Militia, the said sum of twenty-four hundred, eighty-
eight dollars and twenty-six cents, for his and their
use, and that the said Colonel John Build pay over to
the several persons entitled, the amount due to each.
No. 48.
Resolution in favor of Bennet Bracco.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is here-
by directed to pay to Bennett Bracco, of Talbot coun-
ty, heir at law of Captain Bennett Bracco, an officer
of the revolutionary war, or to his order, the sum of
two hundred and fifty dollars, in lieu of the two hun-
dred acres of land, due, the said Bennett Bracco for
his revolutionary services.
No. 49.
Passed Mar. 28,
Resolution in favor of Captain William A. Spencer.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Adjutant General of this State be, and he is here-
by directed to furnish to the order of Captain William
A. Spencer, of the Centreville Guards, sixty stands of
muskets, with the necessary accoutrements, by his or-
der being accompanied with the company's bond of se-
curity for their safe keeping and return.
Passed Mar. 29,