to eighteen hundred and thirty-seven inclusive; pro-
vided, there be so many spare copies in the Library,
and provided the Register of wills of said county, has
never been furnished with said laws.
No. 42.
Passed Mar. 26,
Resolution in favor of Benjamin Riston and Cassan-
dra Ann King.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore of Maryland, pay
to Benjamin Riston and Cassandra Ann King, or their
order, only children of Zadock Riston, late of Prince
George's county, deceased, a pensioner, the balance of
the pension due him from the State of Maryland, at
under a resolution of the General Assembly.
No. 43.
Passed Mar 26,
Resolution relative to repairing the State Library.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Librarian be, and he is hereby authorised and di-
rected to cause the State Library to be white washed,
and the funnel by which the same is heated, to be ex-
amined and repaired, before the meeting of the next
General Assembly, and that the Treasurer of the West-
ern Shore pay the expenses accruing thereon, on the
Librarian certifying to the cost of the same.
No. 44.
Passed Mar. 26,
Resolution concerning Dorchester County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy of four thousand dollars, directed to be made
on the assessable property of Dorchester county, by
the first section of an act entitled, a supplement to an
act entitled an act to provide for the public instruction