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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 450   View pdf image
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No. 28.


Resolution concerning the revised code of the Laws, to
be made by the Hon. Clement Dorsey.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore of Maryland, be,
and he is hereby authorised to subscribe fur one thou-
sand copies of the revised code of the Laws of the
State, proposed to be published by the Don. Clement
Dorsey, (in addition to the number already subscribed
for) at ten dollars per copy, to be paid for as the work
shall be completed, and delivered to the State Librarian
and not before; provided, that said work shall be ap-
proved of by two persons, to be designated by the go-
vernor, without any expense for such revision, or ex-
amination to the State; and provided also, that said
work shall be published, and printed in Chronological
order, with a copious index, including the public sta-
tutory law of the State, with the public local law ap-
pended thereto, and arranged among the counties in
alphabetical order.
Resolved, That the said Clement Dorsey, shall
cause sixty-one copies of the said compilation to be
bound in two volumes, and interleaved with ruled blank
paper of good quality, and it shall be the duty of the
Librarian to retain twenty copies thereof, in the Libra-
ry, and after each and every session to note in each
volume, under the appropriate title and page, each and
every alteration and amendment, which shall be made
in the laws at each session, and it shall be the further

duty of said Librarian, to send one copy of the said

interleaved books to the Register of Wills, and Coun-
ty Clerks, and clerk of Baltimore City Court, in each
county, and each of said Registers and County Clerks,
and Clerk of Baltimore City Court, shall in like man-
ner note the alterations and amendments which shall
be made in the laws, at each session of the General
Resolved, That the copies hereinbefore ordered to
be subscribed for, shall not, nor any of them, be sold,
or exchanged within the State, for the space of two
years from the time of the delivery of the first copy
thereof to the Librarian, under the first resolution, at

Passed Mar. 5,

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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 450   View pdf image
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