and private of the revolution, during her life, com-
mencing on the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine.
No. 24.
Resolution in favor of Sarah Scrivner, of the City of
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is here-
by directed to pay to Sarah Scrivner, of the city of
Baltimore, the former widow of William Whitaker, a
soldier of the revolution, or to her order, the half pay
of a private of the revolution, during her life, com-
mencing on the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and thirty-eight, in quarterly payments.
No. 25.
Passed Feb. 27,
Resolution authorising the Secretary of State to cause
alterations or repairs to be made in the new tobac-
co warehouse situated on Conway and Charles
streets in Baltimore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Secretary of State, be and he is hereby authorized
to cause such alterations or repairs to be made in the
new tobacco warehouse, situated on Conway and
Charles streets in the city of Baltimore by substituting
iron shutters and doors for the wooden ones therein, or
directing all the openings in said building fronting up-
on the lumber yard thereto adjoining, to be closed,
whichever in bis opinion will best protect it from dan-
ger by fire, and he is hereby authorized to draw upon
the treasury for the amount necessary to carry this
resolution into effect, payable out of the tobacco fund
paid by said warehouse into the treasury.
Passed Mar. 2,