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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 431   View pdf image
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CHAP. 416.

For payment in

advance of accru-

ing interest.

rest shall, from time to time, become due and payable
on the bonds of the State hereinafter mentioned, and
also the difference of exchange of currency between
Baltimore and London, of the interest on the bonds of
the State, together with the costs of translating the
interest to London, to be there paid as hereinafter men-
tioned, is made payable, in London; or if the interest on
a part of said bonds is made payable, in London, the

Difference of ex-

And costs of trans-


difference of exchange of currency, in respect of the

interest so payable in London, and the cost of trans-
lating the same to London for the payment into the
treasury of this State, on or before the first day of

And of principal

by 1864.

January, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred
and sixty-four, of the whole amount of the principal
of the bonds of the State hereinafter mentioned, to-
gether with the difference of exchange of currency be-
tween Baltimore and London, if the principal of said
bonds be made payable in London, together with the
cost of translating the same to London, to be there
paid, or in case part of said bonds be made payable in
London, the difference of exchange of currency in re-
spect of such part, and the cost, of translating the same

With proof that of

being recorded.

to London, and shall produce to the said treasurer

proper evidence that the said mortgage of the Susque-
hanna Canal Company has been duly recorded, by the
proper office for recording of deeds in York county,
in the State of Pennsylvania, and that the said mort-
gage of the Tide Water Canal Company has been it-
corded in the office of the clerk of Harford county

Treasurer shall is-

sue bonds $1, 000,


court, it shall be the duty of the said treasurer to issue
and to deliver to such person or persons as the said
companies may appoint to receive them, the bonds of
the State of Maryland to the amount of one million of
dollars, redeemable at the pleasure of the State, at any
time after the first day of January in the year of our
Lord, eighteen hundred and sixty-five.

Drawn in favor of

the companies res-


5 per cent interest

if in London.

6 per cent if in


Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said bonds shall
be issued in favor of said companies respectively, in
such proportions, as may be agreed upon, between the
said companies, bearing an interest, if in sterling mo-
ney, of five per cent, payable in London semi-annually,
on the first day of January and the first day of July
in each year, and if in current money, of six per cent,
payable in the city of Baltimore semi-annually, on the

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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 431   View pdf image
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