CHAP. 402.
Passed April 6,
An act entitled a supplement to an act, entitled an act to
authorise the laying out and opening a Road in Wor-
cester County therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly passed December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, entitled
an act to authorise the laying out and opening a road
in Worcester County, therein mentioned, certain per-
sons named in said act, were appointed commissioners
to survey, lay out, and open said road, and perform
such other duties as were required by said act; and
whereas, the commissioners so appointed, have either
neglected or refused to serve, — Therefore,
Power to former
commissions revo-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all power and authority vested by the act to
which this is a supplement, in the commissioners
therein named am! appointed, be and the same is here-
New commissioners
by revoked, and that Esau Boston, William H. Tilgh-
man, and Francis Messic, (an original one) be, and
the same are hereby appointed commissioners to carry
into effect said act, and for this purpose they are here-
by vested with the same powers, required to observe
the same regulations, and to perform the same duties,
in every respect, as those were who were appointed by
the said act, to which this is a supplement;
Passed April 2,
A further supplement to the act, entitled an act, to in-
corporate the Citizens' Dank of Baltimore, passed at
December session eighteen hundred and thirty five,
chapter three hundred and fourteen.
Twelve directors.
Three new.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That there shall be annually chosen, twelve
directors of the Citizens' Bank of Baltimore, of whom
three at least, shall not have served as directors of said
bank, for the year preceding the election.
Acts inconsistent
herewith repealed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That any thing which
is, or may be contained in the act to which this is a
supplement, or the previous supplements thereto, re-