said road shall be so located as not to interfere with
the aforesaid rail road.
CHAP. 327.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That so soon as the road
pervisor of roads for the district where said road lies,
and if approved by him the said road shall be a public
road, and kept in repair as other county roads are, and
the said Worthington. or his agent, shall have the right
to shut up the old road.
proval, &c.
An act for the relief of Samuel Yacle and Jacob Facie,
children of George Yacle, of Washington County.
Passed April 2,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
they are hereby empowered and directed, from and af-
ter the passage of this act, to pay over to Samuel Yacle,
and Jacob Yacle, children of George Yacle, or to their
order, the thirty dollars directed to be assessed and
levied on the assessable property of said county for
eighteen hundred and twenty-four, chapter one hun-
dred and eighty-eight, entitled, an act for the relief of
sundry poor persons in the several counties therein
Levy $30 annually.
An act for the establishment of Primary Schools in Mont-
gomery County.
Passed April 2,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the commissioners for Montgomery
county shall, on or before the third Monday of April
next, and annually thereafter, appoint one intelligent
county, as a manager of primary schools in said coun-
ty, and the five persons so appointed, shall he styled
and known as the managers of primary schools, in
Montgomery county, and in case any of the persons
Annually appoint
1 manager of pri-
mary schools for
each district.
Name and style.