greater, or other, fees than are now allowed by law to
constables for similar services by them performed.
CHAP. 323.
An act entitled an act to extend the time for placing the
fees of the Register of Wills and Clerk of Calvert
County, in the hands of the Sheriff, for collection.
Passed April 1,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time for placing the fees of the Register of
Wills of Calvert county, and the Clerk of Calvert
county court, in the hands of the sheriff of said county
for collection, be, and the same is hereby extended to
the first day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.
Time extended.
An act in aid of the construction of a Stale Armory,
and Town Hall, in the City of Baltimore, and the re-
building and improvement of the Hanover Market
House, in said city.
Passed April 1,
WHEREAS, sundry citizens of Baltimore, propose
to have constructed a State Armory and Town Hall,
and other apartments for public uses, and to rebuild
and enlarge the Hanover Market House in said city,
over or in connection with which Market House, it is
contemplated to construct said Armory, Town Hall,
and other apartments; and whereas, the said undertak-
ing will subserve materially the public convenience
and interests; and it is represented that to accomplish
these highly useful objects, adequate means cannot be
procured, save through the privilege of a Lottery: —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Samuel Lucas, William Guynn,
George Gordon Belt, Charles F. Mayor, Charles Geo.
Ridgely, and Solomon Hillen, Jun., of the city of Bal-
timore, be, and they are hereby appointed commission-
ers, with full power and authority, by a scheme, or
schemes of lottery, and the sales thereof, or of the
Commissioners na-
med and authoris-