CHAP. 321.
Passed April 1,
An act to authorise the Commissioners of Baltimore
County, to appoint Commissioners to build a bridge
over the Western Run, on the Pimbleco Road, over
said Run, near the upper Pimbleco Factory.
Levy of $500 au-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be lawful for the commission-
ers of Baltimore county to levy upon the assessable
For bridge.
five hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting a
bridge over the Western Run, at the place hereinbe-
At discretion.
fore mentioned, if they in their judgment shall deem a
bridge necessary, and that it is expedient to erect the
same, and that in case the said county commissioners
shall deem it expedient to build said bridge, they shall
Name commission-
appoint three commissioners to fix upon a site for
erecting the same, at or near the aforesaid factory, and
the said bridge commissioners shall also contract with
some person, or persons, for erecting said bridge, who
Security required.
shall give bond and security to the said bridge com-
missioners for building the same in a good and sub-
stantial manner.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the county commis-
sioners shall allow to said bridge commissioners, such
reasonable compensation, as they may deem right and
proper, for the time said bridge commissioners shall
be actually employed in the discharge of their duties
under the provisions of this act.
Passed April 1,
An act to regulate the fees to be charged by Sheriffs in
executions issued by Justices of the Peace for the re-
covery of small debts, so far as relates to Dorchester
Charge for fees re-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall
not be lawful for any sheriff to charge, or receive, on
executions issued by any justice of the peace, any