CHAP. 2.
hereby authorised, empowered and directed to convey
good and sufficient deed of bargain and sale.
Proceeds to be ap-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporate
authorities of Frederick are hereby required and di-
reeled to apply the proceeds of said sale, after deduct-
ing the necessary expenses thereof, to suppling that
part of Frederick, known as Bentz Town, with water;
and to that end are hereby required and directed to
have wells sunk and pumps inserted, for the conveni-
ence of the inhabitants, and protection against fire.
Case of surplus.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That, if there be any surplus
of money, after erecting a sufficient number of pumps
to supply Bentz Town with water, that the said cor-
porate authorities be, and they are hereby required to
set apart said fund for the exclusive purpose of keep-
ing said wells and pumps in proper order and repair.
Passed Jan. 10,
An act to authorise Thomas Dowden, present Sheriff of
Allegany county, to bond as Sheriff of said county, at
any time before the first day of February next, and
to authorise the Clerk of said county to receive and
record said bond.
Bond authorised.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Dowden, the present Sheriff
of Allegany county, be and he is hereby authorised to
bond as Sheriff of said county, at any time before the
Conditions prescri-
first day of February next; provided the said bond shall
be approved and attested according to law; and provid-
ed, that in addition to the condition of sheriffs' bond, pre-
scribed by the existing laws of this State, the bond to
be given in virtue of this act shall contain the follow-
ing condition, to wit: The further condition of this ob-
ligation is such, that the above obligation shall not be
null and void, unless the above bound Thomas Dowden
shall, in all respects, well and faithfully perform and
execute all the duties prescribed in the proceeding con-
this State, in all cases of process which may have come
to his hands between the expiration of his bond as