all the duties required to be performed by the said com-
missioners' court of Calvert county.
CHAP. 260.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the members of the
levy court aforesaid, shall receive such salary or per
diem, as members of the commissioners' court receive.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That all suits at law or
in equity, which may be pending at the time of the
passage of this act, by or against the commissioners
court of said county, shall be carried on in like man-
ner, and have the same legal effect, either in favor of,
or against the levy court, provided for by this act as
if said suit or suits had been instituted by, or against
the said levy court.
Pending suits, &c.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the members of the
levy court, shall be elected, two from each election
district in said county.
Two from each dis-
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That so much of any acts
of Assembly, as may be contrary to, or inconsistent
with this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Acts inconsistent
herewith repealed.
An act to permit the North Branch and Cacapon Turn-
pike Company of Virginia, to construct their Road
through the State of Maryland, so as to intersect the
National Road, in Allegany County.
Passed Mar. 27,
WHEREAS, application has been made to this Gen-
eral Assembly, by the Cacapon and North Branch
Turnpike Company of Virginia, for leave to construct
their road, so as to intersect the National Road, at, or
near, the Town of Cumberland, in Allegany county;
and whereas, a charter was granted to the North West-
ern Turnpike Company of Virginia, by the Legisla-
ture of Maryland, at December session eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-two, chapter two hundred and seventy
seven, to construct their turnpike road through the
western part of Maryland, in said county; and where-
as, it is believed to be the interest of Maryland, to
grant said application: — Therefore,
SECTION l. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the North Branch and Cacapon Turn-
pike Company, of Virginia, shall be, and are hereby
May extend road
into Maryland.