either in or out of court, or any Judge of the county
court, to take and approve of the bond of John D.
Ward, as Sheriff of said county, at any time before
the fifteenth day of February next, and the said bond
when so taken and approved of, shall have the same
force, effect and operation to all intents and purposes,
as if the same had been taken, and approved of within
the term limited by law, any act to the contrary notwith-
CHAP. 25.
standing; And provided, That in addition to the condi-
tion of Sheriff's Bond, prescribed, by the existing laws
of this State, the bond to be given in virtue of this act,
shall contain the following condition to wit: the fur-
ther condition of this obligation is such that the above
obligation shall not be null and void, unless the above
bounden John D. Ward, shall in all respects well and
faithfully execute and perform all the duties prescri-
bed in the proceeding condition of this obligation, and
by the existing laws of this State, in all cases of pro-
cess, which may have come to his hands between the
expiration of his bond, as Sheriff, for the last year,
and the date of this obligation, as fully and completely
as if this obligation bore date anterior to his reception
of such process, or his receipt of money under colour
of his office of Sheriff.
Further condition.
An act for the relief of Philemon Chew, of Prince George's
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Philemon Chew, be and he is hereby authorized
and empowered to bring into this State, and hold as a
slave for life, negro Joseph ——; provided, the said Phil-
emon Chew within sixty days from the time of introduc-
ing said slave shall file with the clerk of Prince George's
county, a description of such slave, stating his age,
with an affidavit thereto annexed, stating that the same
is a true and faithful description of such negro, and
that he is not removed into this State for the purpose
of sale, and that he is a slave for life; and provided also,
the said Philemon Chew shall pay over to the clerk
Passed Jan. 29,
Authority to intro-
duce a slave.