CHAP. 221.
of both branches of the Legislature, to inspect the
books, papers and concerns of the said bank at any
time or times.
Passed Mar. 25,
An act to introduce the cultivation of the Mulberry, and
the making of Silk, at the Poor House in Somerset
WHEREAS, the growing of the mulberry, and the
making of silk at the poor house in Somerset county,
would, it is confidently believed, not only afford agree-
able and healthful employment to its inmates at a
pleasant season of the year, but would ultimately, un-
der a judicious system of management, aid greatly in
defraying the expenses of that institution, and also
afford a means of giving to the poor children therein
the blessing of education: — Therefore,
Levy of $110 di-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners for Somerset coun-
ty be, and they are hereby authorized in their discre-
tion, to levy upon the assessable property of said coun-
ty, the present year, the sum of one hundred and ten
dollars, to be by them expended agreeably to the pro-
visions contained in this act.
Purchase of trees.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
for said county be, and they are hereby required, as
soon after the passage of this act as practicable, to pur-
chase on the best possible terms, one hundred dollars
worth of the morus multicaulis, to be planted and cul-
tivated, by the poor, under the direction of the keeper
of said institution, who is hereby required to select,
with the approbation of the commissioners aforesaid,
Loan authorised.
Sec. S. And be it enacted, That in order to carry
the second section of this act into immediate operation
said commissioners are hereby required to borrow the
sum of one hundred dollars, until such time, as the levy
and collection authorized by the first section of this act
shall have been effected.
Interest provided
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the remaining ten
dollars to be levied by the first section of this act, shall