other times as by their said ordinances, or by their
own adjournments as they may direct, and when so as-
sembled they shall have power from time to time, to
CHAP. 220.
appoint a President, Treasurer, and Secretary, to
make contracts with the professors, or teachers, rela-
tive to the instruction of the scholars, to be placed un-
President and offi-
der their care, and for the payment of their salaries,
to examine the progress of the students and scholars, to
hear and determine on all complaints and appeals, and
all matters touching the discipline and government of
the said Academy, and the execution of their ordinan-
ces, and generally to manage the state of the concerns
of the said Seminary in such manner as they shall
deem best for the advantage of the institution.
An act to repeal the third section of an act, entitled, a
supplement to the act to incorporate the Citizen's Bank
of Baltimore, passed at December Session, Eighteen
hundred and thirty five, chapter three hundred and
Passed Mar. 23,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the third section of an act passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty six,
chapter seventy one, entitled a supplement to the act
to incorporate the Citizens' Bank of Baltimore, pas-
sed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
six, chapter three hundred and fourteen, be, and the
same is hereby repealed.
3d section, act 1836
ch. 71, repealed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the full amount of
five hundred thousand dollars shall not have been sub-
scribed to the capital stock of said bank, before the
tenth day of November, in the year eighteen hundred
and forty two, the said Bank shall nevertheless on that
day pay to the treasurer such sum of money as togeth-
er with the sum already paid, and the sums required
to be paid by the provisions of the said act, shall a-
mount to the full sum of eighteen thousand seven hun-
dred and fifty dollars.
Bonus payable ne-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said bank, in ac-
cepting this act admits the right of a joint committee
Condition—right to
examine, &c.