Patapsco River, at or near Ellicott's furnace, and run-
ning thence southerly with said Deep Run, until it
reaches the Baltimore and Washington Rail Road;
and thence with the said rail road and including the
same until it reaches the southwestern line of Anno
Arundel county on the big Patuxent River, and thence
with the said river, and the lines of said county until
it intersects the northwestern point of said county;
and running thence with the lines of Carroll and Bal-
timore counties to the place of beginning as above men-
CHAP. 22.
tioned and that the said district shall he called How-
ard District of Anne Arundel county.
Howard District.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That to aid in adminis-
tering justice and providing for the peculiar wants
and necessities in civil and police matters of the peo-
ple of said district, there shall from time to time as oc-
casion may require, he appointed or elected therein,
as the case may be, a Register of Wills, a Sheriff and
a Clerk of the Court, to be established therein, which
said officers shall have the same qualifications, hold
their offices by the same tenure and be appointed or
elected therein in the same manner with similar of-
ficers in the several counties of this State.
gister of Wills.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That upon the
confirmation of this act it shall be the duty of the Ex-
ecutive of this State to issue writs for the election of a
Sheriff by the people of said district within thirty days
thereafter, who shall serve until the time of the next
Election of Sheriff.
general election of this State, and the citizens of An-
ne Arundel county, now inhabitants of the fourth elec-
tion district thereof and residing in the said Howard
district, shall until otherwise provided by law, vote at
all elections at the fifth election district of Anne Arun-
del county, and it is hereby declared that the people of
Voters of 4th to
vote in 5th district.
said Howard district when established, shall vote at
the fifth and sixth election districts for Anne Arundel
county, as now established by law, in all their future
elections, and until regulated by law according to the
Constitution of this State.
Voters of Howard
District to vote in
5th and 6th dis-
tricts only.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That upon the
confirmation of this act, a court shall he established
and styled the Court of Howard District of Anne
Arundel county; that the Judges of the third judicial
district of this State shall be the judges thereof, and
Howard District