Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation,
and their successors, by the name and title aforesaid,
shall be forever, hereafter, capable in law, to sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answer-
ed unto, defend and be defended, in any or all of the
courts of Justice, and before all and any judges or of-
ficers, or persons whatsoever, in all and singular ac-
tions, matters or demands, whatsoever, to have and
CHAP. 196,
Legal capacities.
use a common seal, and the same at their will and
pleasure, to alter and make anew, from time to time,
as they may think best, and shall in general, have and
exercise all such rights, privileges and immunities as
by law are incident to, or necessary for corporations of
this character, and to enable the members of said cor-
poration, to exercise all things concerning the design
of this corporation, which is hereby declared to be an
auxiliary society, to the universalist congregation of
the City of Baltimore, for the purpose of receiving by
subscription, donation or otherwise, monies to aid the
said universalist society, to discharge the debts, con-
General powers.
tracts and obligations of the same; Provided, however,
that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to con-
fer banking privileges.
Banking forbid.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted. That the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, reserves the right to change, alter
and amend this act of incorporation at any time.
Rights reserved.
An act relating to the building of certain Bridges in
Harford County.
Passed Mar. 18,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the county commissioners of Har-
ford county, be, and they are hereby authorized and
empowered, if in the exercise of their discretion, they
shall deem it proper and necessary, to use the power
hereby given to contract for the creating of, or to cause
Discretionary pow-
er granted.
to be contracted Cor, and erected, a Bridge, over Deer
Creek, at or near Rutledge's Ford; and a Bridge over
Deer Creek, at, or near the Deer Creek Iron Works;
and a Bridge over Deer Creek, at or near Bailey
To build bridges.