CHAP. 150.
and he is hereby divorced from his wife Rachel Per-
sonett, a vinculo matrimonii.
Passed Mar. 6,
An act for draining part of a Branch at the head of
South East Creek, lying in Queen Anne's County.
WHEREAS it is represented, to the General Assembly,
by the petition of sundry inhabitants, that they are
possessed of part of a valuable branch called South East
Branch, lying in Queen Anne's county, and as there
is good reason to believe that great advantage might
be derived, as well to the public an the proprietors;
And whereas, it appears, to this General Assembly,
that it will he of public utility to extend the aid of the
Legislature in order to effect so good a purpose; —
Directors named.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Valentine W. Devorix, James Mer-
rick, William S. Reed. William Clayton, Levi Bax-
ter, James S. Baxter, and John Betts, be and they are
Objects defined.
hereby appointed directors, and are hereby authorized
and empowered, or a majority of them, to make and
open a drain or ditch, down said branch, beginning at
James Merrick's farm, where Francis Davis, now or
did reside, until it shall intersect the main road lead-
ing from Colgan's crossroads to Church Hill, in such
direction and of such width and depth, as they or a
majority of them may judge most proper to convey the
water from said branch, and reduce the same to dry
Meet to organize.
land, and it shall and may be lawful for the said di-
rectors, or a majority of them, to meet on the first
Monday of April, in the year eighteen hundred and
forty one, or at any day previous to said day that said
Annual meeting.
directors may unanimously agree on, and on the first
Monday of April, in each and every year thereafter, at
any place, or at any time or times, which may be agreed
on by the said directors, or a majority of them, for the
transaction of business.
Expense of cutting
how paid.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the cost, charges
and expenses of cutting and opening said ditch or drain,
shall be paid by the respective proprietors of the same,