CHAP. 137
Passed Mar. 4,
An act for the benefit of the associated Professors of
St. Mary's College in the City of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, Louis H. Deluol, John J. Chanche, John
Tessier, Hector Jonbert, John Kandanne, A. J. Elder,
P. Freydet, A. Verot, Edward Knight, and A. Ray-
mond, by their petition to the General Assembly of
the State of Maryland, have represented that they are
now the Professors in the Seminary of learning here-
tofore established in the city of Baltimore, by Wil-
liam Du Bourg, and others, usually called St. Mary's
College, and that in order that they may be able to ex-
tend the sphere of its usefulness, and that the said Se-
minary may enjoy the privileges granted to other
of being made competent to receive, endowments for
professorships, and for the purposes of education in
general: — Therefore.
Persons incorporat-
SECTION l. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Louis R. Deluol, John J.
Chanche, John Tessier, Hector Joubert, John Randan-
ne, A. J. Elder, P. Freydet, A. Verot, Edward
Knight, and A. Raymond, and their successors, to be
appointed according to the rules of the said institution,
be, and they are hereby created a body corporate, by
Name and style.
the name and style of This Associated Professors of
St. Mary's College, in the, city of Baltimore, and that
by that name they are hereby vested with the power
to confer degrees, which was heretofore granted to the
said William Du Bourg, and his associates and succes-
sors; and by the name aforesaid, they and their suc-
cessors are hereby authorized and empowered to take,
May receive be-
receive and hold, any gifts, bequests, devises, of any
money, stocks, or other property, and the same to use,
Invest, &c.
invest, sell or leave, for the use and benefit of the said
institution; provided always, that the annual income of
such property hereafter so to be acquired, shall not at
any time, exceed the sum of fifteen thousand dollars,
reserving nevertheless to the legislature the power at
any time hereafter to repeal this law.