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signs in fee simple, by a deed to be duly executed, ac-
knowledged and recorded, according to law, such piece
or parcel of the tract of land so held by them, as such
commissioners, and belonging to said town, or of any
other public property of said town, as may be required
by, or deemed necessary for the purposes of the said-
Rail Road Company.
Passed Feb. 14,
An act to divorce Courtney Ann Butler, of Baltimore
City from her husband Mansfield Butler.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the marriage heretofore solemnized, between
Courtney Ann Butler, of Baltimore city, and Mans-
field Butler, her husband, be, and the same is hereby
declared null and void, and that the said Courtney Ann
Butler, and Mansfield Butler, be, and they are hereby
divorced a vinculo matrimonii.
Passed Jan. 21,
An act to consolidate the duties of the Levy Court and
Commissioners of the Tax for Montgomery County,
and prescribe their duties.
Annual appoint-
ment of 5 commis-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the Senate, shall appoint, and he is hereby required
One from each dis-
annually to appoint five persons, citizens of Mont-
gomery county, one of whom shall reside in each of
the election districts of said county, to be called the
Commissioners for Montgomery County, and in case
Case of vacancy.
of a vacancy occasioned by the death, resignation, re-
fusal to act or removal out of the county, of either of
said commissioners, the Governor shall supply such
vacancy occasioned by such death, resignation, refusal
or removal, as the case may be.
Oath of office.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That each commissioner
shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office,