to act, the survivor or survivors shall appoint some other person in his or their stead, and the person
or persons so appointed shall have the same power and authority as is vested in the commissioners
named in this act.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and after the erecting and building the said bridge it shall
be kept up and repaired at the joint expense of the said three counties in the proportions before
Bridge to be
kept up, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or some one or two of them, shall ren-
der to the justices of the levy courts of the respective counties respectively, at their levy courts
next after the expenditure of the said monies, a just, full and fair account of all money by them laid
out and expended by virtue of this act, and if, after completing the said bridge, any surplus money
that shall remain in the hands of the said commissioners, or any of them, the same shall be repaid,
(in the same proportions as heretofore directed to be paid, ) by the said commissioners, or some one of
them, to the justices of the levy court, or to any four of them, of the respective counties, to be ap-
plied towards defraying the public charge of the said counties respectively.
to render an
account, &c.
An ACT authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money to enlarge
and improve the hospital in the vicinity of the city of Baltimore
and for other purposes.
Passed 24th of
Dec. 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That James Hindman, James Calhoun, junior,
George Brown, Samuel M'kim, John Walraven, Stewart brown, James Bosley, Nicholas Brice,
Edme Ducatel, Peter Chatard, Colin M'Kenzie and James Smyth, or a majority of them, be and
they are hereby authorised to propose a scheme or schemes of a lottery or lotteries, and to sell and
dispose of the tickets, as well in the city of Baltimore as in any other part of the state, clear of
city taxes, any law to the contrary notwithstanding, for raising a sum of money, not exceeding forty
thousand dollars, for the purpose of erecting additional buildings adjacent to the aforesaid hospital,
and for making other improvements upon the lot of ground attached thereto.
A scheme may
be proposed,
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said James Hindman, James Calhoun, junior, George
Brown, Samuel M'Kim, John Walraven, Stewart Brown, James Bosley, Nicholas Brice, Edme Du-
catel, Peter Chatard, Colin M'Kenzie and James Smyth, proceed to make sale of any ticket or tick-
ets in in said lottery or lotteries, they shall give bond in the penalty of eighty thousand dollars, con-
ditioned that they will well and truly conduct the drawing of the said lottery or lotteries, and within
. six months after the drawing thereof, apply so much of the money arising therefrom as may be neces-
sary to the payment of the prizes drawn therein to the adventurers to whom they may be due, and
the necessary expenses incurred in the management thereof, and that they will pay the residue of
said money to the said Colin M'Kenzie and James Smyth, to be applied to the uses aforesaid; pro-
vided, that the said Colin M'Kenzie and James Smyth shall, previous to the receipt by them of the
money to be raised by the aforesaid lottery or lotteries, give bond in the penal sum of eighty thou-
sand dollars, conditioned for the faithful application of the sum received by them from the, managers
of said lottery, to the uses and purposes herein before mentioned, and according to the true intent
and meaning of this act.
Bond to be
given, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the several bonds hereby required to be given, shall be given to,
and in the name of, the state of Maryland, and that the two latter shall be lodged in the office of the
clerk of Baltimore county, and there recorded, and upon all of said bonds, or either of them, or on
an authenticated office copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted for any breach or noncompliance
With their conditions.
la the name of
the state, &c.
An ACT to authorise the levy court of Worcester county to assess
and levy a sum of money for the purposes therein mentioned.
Passed 24th of
Dec 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of Wor-
cester county be and they are hereby authorised and required, if in their judgment they shall
think it expedient and proper, to levy on the assessable property of said county a sum of money,
not exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars, for the purpose of making a causeway, and erecting a
bridge, across Pitt's creek, in said county, near Dennis's mill.
Justices to levy
money, &c.