ty, and the damages, if any, sustained by any person or persons through whose land the same may
pass, shall be levied, collected and paid, as other county charges are levied, collected and paid.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners hereby appointed shall have an allowance
of two dollars for each day they shall attend in discharge of their duties herein required.
Passed 20th of
January, 1808.
A Further supplement to an act, entitled, An act for erecting a vil-
lage at Choptank bridge, in Caroline county, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of
said village, that they are by an act of assembly compelled to keep their swine and geese
from running at large in said village, but they still labour-under inconveniencies from swine and
geese belonging to. the inhabitants of said county running at large within the limits of said village;
Bailiff may
seize geese,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after the first clay of April
next; the bailiff of said village shall have mil power and authority to seize and secure any geese or
swine that may be found running at large within the limits of said village belonging to any person
or persons residing within the aforesaid county, and the same retain in his possession till the owner
or owners thereof shall pay three shillings for every hog or halt dozen geese, and a proportionable
sum for every goose, so taken up, one half for the use of the bailiff taking up and securing the same,
and the other half to be applied to the use and improvement of said village in such manner as the
commissioners of said village, or a majority of them, shall direct; and in case the owner or owners of
such swine and geese as aforesaid, shall not, within three days after having notice of such seizure,
pay the aforesaid sum of three shillings for every hog or half dozen geese, and so in proportion for
every goose, seized as aforesaid, to the bailiff of said village, in such case the whole of such seizure
shall be forfeited for the use aforesaid, and it shall be lawful for the bailiff to sell the same at public
sale, after giving five days notice of said sale, in the said village, between the hours of nine and
twelve o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and to apply the money arising from such sale to the uses
Passed 20th of
January, 1808.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to open and extend the
road leading from Whittingham's bridge, at Princess-Anne-town,
in Somerset county, to the plantation of George Pollitt, deceased,
until it intersects the road leading from Salisbury to Stevens's ferry
at the plantation of Joshua Morris.
appointed, &c.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Jacob Morriss, senior, William Pollitt,
of William, John Landreth, Josiah W. Heath and Jacob Morriss, junior, be and they are here-
by appointed commissioners, or any three or more of them are hereby authorised to open and extend
the road leading From Whittingham's bridge, at Princess-Anne-town, in Somerset county, to the
plantation of George Pollitt, deceased, until it intersects the main road leading from Salisbury to
Stevens's ferry at the plantation of Joshua Morris; and the said road, when so opened and extend-
ed at the expense of the subscribers, and after the valuations herein after directed to be made, of
the damages hereby directed to be assessed, shall be paid, or secured to be paid, to the individuals
concerned, shall be recorded among the records of Somerset county court, and be thereafter deemed
and taken to be a public road for ever, and shall be kept in repair in. the same manner as other pub-
lic roads are directed to be kept in said county.
Who may ap-
point a treasu-
rer, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners may appoint one of their number as trea-
surer, who is hereby enjoined and empowered to collect and receive all monies subscribed, or that
may be subscribed for the purpose of opening and extending the said road; and such subscribers
are hereby directed to pay their several subscriptions to the treasurer appointed as aforesaid, and if
any person shall neglect or refuse to pay the subscription money, the said treasurer, or any one of the
said commissioners in the name of the whole, may and is hereby authorised to sue for, recover and
receive, the same; and the said monies, when received, shall be applied by the said commissioners,
or any two of them, to the purpose of this act.