contemplated to be done, in as full and effectual a manner as any other person or persons, bodies poli-
tic or corporate, in like cases may or can do.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the yearly value of the messuages, lands, tenements, rents,
annuities, or other hereditaments and real estate, of the said college and corporation, (exclusive
of the lots and buildings occupied by the institution, ) shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars;
and all gifts to the said college and corporation, after the yearly value of their estates shall amount
to thirty thousand dollars aforesaid, and all bargains and purchases to be made by the said corpora-
tion, which may increase the yearly value of said estate above or beyond the amount aforesaid, shall
be absolutely void and of none effect.
Yearly value
not to exceed!
30, 000 dollars,
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said regents, and their successors, shall have full power
and authority to have, make and use, one common and public seal, and likewise one privy seal, with
such devices and inscriptions as they shall think proper, and to ascertain, fix and regulate, the uses
of both seals by their own laws, and the same seals, or either of them, to change, break, alter and
renew, at their pleasure.
Regents may
have a seal, &c.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said regents shall have full power and authority to appoint
a president of the said college, who shall preside at their meetings, and perform such other duties as
may be assigned to him, and in his absence to appoint a vice-president, which latter shall always be
one of their own body.
Appoint a pre-
sident, &c.
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said regents shall from time to time, and at all times hereafter
for ever, have full power and authority to constitute and appoint, in such manner as they shall think
best and most convenient, professors of the different branches of medicine, for instructing the stu-
dents of laid college by regular lectures upon every part of that science, who shall be severally
styled Professors of such branch as they shall be nominated and appointed for, according to each
particular nomination and appointment; and also to constitute and appoint, in like manner lectures
upon the sciences subservient to, or connected with, medicine, who shall be severally styled
Lectures on such sciences as they shall be appointed for; and the said professors and lecturers, so
Constituted and appointed from time to time, shall be known and distinguished for ever as one learn-
ed body or faculty, by the name of The Medical Faculty of the College of Medicine of Maryland,
and in that name shall be capable of choosing their own dean of faculty, and of exercising such
powers and authorities as the regents of the said college, and their successors, shall by their ordi-
nances think necessary to delegate to them, for the instruction, discipline and government, of the
said institution, and of all students, officers and servants, belonging to the same; provided, that
nothing be done in virtue of this act contrary to the constitution and laws of this state or to the
Constitution and laws of the United States.
Constitute pro-
fessors, &c.
X. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said regents, and their successors, shall meet at least once a
year in stated annual meetings, to be appointed by their own ordinances, and at such other times as
by their said ordinances they may direct, in order to examine into all matters touching the discipline
of the institution, and the good and wholesome execution of their ordinances; and the said regents
when duly assembled, shall have full power and authority to make their own rules of proceeding*
and to make fundamental ordinances for the government and discipline of the said college, and to*
appoint the necessary officers of the same, in all which meetings a majority of the whole number of
regents shall be a quorum to do any business except to vacate the seat of a president, professor or
lecturer, for which purpose the consent of two thirds of the whole number of regents shall be neces-
And meet once
a year, &c.
XI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the medical faculty of the said college shall hold one term in each
year, which shall commence on the first Monday in November in every year, and shall continue not
less than four, nor more than six months, as may be regulated by the ordinances of the college,
within which period all the lectures to be delivered in the said college shall be given, except the
lectures on botany, and such other lectures as the regents shall judge will be delivered with more ad-
vantage at a different season.
One term to be
held in each
year, &c.
XII. AND, for animating and encouraging the students of said college to a laudable diligence, in-
dustry and progress, in medical science, BE IT ENACTED, That the said regents, and their successors,
shall; by a written mandate, under their privy seal, and the hand of their president or vice-presi-
dent, have full power and authority to direct the medical faculty of the said college to hold public
commencements, either on stated annual days, or occasionally, as the future ordinances of the said
Regents may
direct public
ments to be
held, &c.