Deeds by
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all deeds heretofore made by any feme-covert for conveying pro-
perty as aforesaid, and all acknowledgments of release or relinquishment of a right of dower, shall
be good and effectual to pass the estate, or bar the said right of dower therein limitted or expressed,
provided it shall appear by the acknowledgment thereof, that she made the same voluntarily, and
out of the presence and hearing of her husband, and that the said deeds shall be, in all other re-
spects, executed, acknowledged and recorded, agreeably to the provisions of the law.
And deeds by
attornies, to be
good, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all deeds for the conveyance of property as aforesaid, which may
be hereafter acknowledged by any attorney in fact, in his own name, shall be as good and valid in
law as if acknowledged by him in the name of his principal; provided, that in all other respects the
said deeds shall be executed, acknowledged and recorded, agreeably to law.
Not to affect
certain cases.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing in this act contained shall affect, or be construed to ex-
tend to, any case where a recovery has been actually had in opposition to any defective deed or deeds
in any court of justice in this state, or when any person or persons are in the possession of the pro-
perty in virtue of a compromise with the persons executing such defective deed, or those claiming
under him, her or them.
Passed 20th of
January, 1808.
An ACT for founding a medical college in the city or precincts of
Baltimore for the instruction of students in the different branches
of medicine.
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly that many benefits would accrue, not only to
the state of Maryland, but to many other parts of the United States, from the establishment
of a seminary for the promotion of medical knowledge in the city of Baltimore; therefore,
A college to be
established, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a college for the promotion of me-
dical knowledge, by the name of The College of Medicine of Maryland, be established in the city
or precincts of Baltimore, upon the following fundamental principles, to wit: The said college shall
be founded and maintained for ever upon a most liberal plan, for the benefit of students of every
country and every religious denomination, who shall be freely admitted to equal privileges and ad-
vantages of education, and to all the honours of the college, according to their merit, without re-
quiring or enforcing any religious or civil test, or urging their attendance upon any particular plan
of religious worship or service; nor shall any preference be given in the choice of a president, pro-
fessor, lecturer, or other officer of the said college, on account of his particular religious profession,
but regard shall be solely paid lo his moral character, and other necessary qualifications to fill the
place for which he shall be chosen.
Members, &c.
III. AND EE IT ENACTED, That the members of the board of medical examiners for this state
for the time being, together with the president and the professors of the said college, and their suc-
cessors, shall be, and are hereby declared to be, one community, corporation and body politic, to
have continuance for ever, by the name of The Regents of the College of Medicine of Maryland.
Regents may
enjoy lands,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said regents, and their successors, by the same name, shall be
able and capable to enjoy them, and their successors, in fee, or for any less estate or estates, any
lands, tenements, annuities, pensions or other hereditaments, within this state, by the gift, grant,
bargain, sale, alienation, enfeoffment, release, confirmation or devise, of any person or persons,
bodies politic or corporate, capable to make the same, and such lands, tenements, rents, annuities,
pensions or other hereditaments, or any less estates, rights or interests, of or in the same, at their
pleasure to grant, alien, sell and transfer, in such manner and form as they shall think meet and
convenient for the furtherance of the said college; and also that they may take and receive any sum
or sums of money, and every kind, manner or portion of goods and chattels, that shall be sold or
given to them, by any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, capable to make a gift or sale
thereof, and employ the same towards maintaining the said college, in such manner as they shall
judge most necessary and convenient for the instruction of students in medicine, and the sciences
connected with it.
And may sue,
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said regents, and their successors, shall be able in law to
sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court or courts, before any judge, judges or justices,
within this state and elsewhere, in all and all manner of suits, pleas, causes, matters and demands,
of whatsoever kind, nature or form they be, and to do all and every other matter and thing hereby